Monday, May 21, 2012

Bahamas Vacation

Here are the guys trying to build a sand castle.  The sand was too powdery.  We also had a huge storm so we couldn't go in the water because the waves were huge and the wind was crazy.

You could sum up G's vacation with two things:  Chips (which he ate at EVERY meal and sometimes only chips) and the baby pool.  He woke up every morning asking to go the baby pool and it became a meeting point for everyone.

At the marina, where we spent several nights.  They have big boats and lots of restaurants and most importantly, a candy store!

Grant's first flight!  He did great.  His ears bothered him a bit but by the return flight, he was an old pro.

One of the kazillion water slides.  Sye only did this one once because he went under and it scared him a bit.  Behind this was a hot tub, which was Sye's favorite spot.

The aforementioned baby pool.

Sye and Kinley eating spaghetti.  How cute are they?
We had such a great and easy vacation with Grandpa and the Roberts family.  We have mostly Iphone pics.  The Roberts have a really great camera and they have most of the pics but we wanted to share these while we wait on the others. 

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