Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Coming soon...

We found out today that Leslie will be induced on Friday the 13th, much to the chagrin of his superstitious father. Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

We are so excited for Friday!!! We can't wait to meet little Sye!
Katherine and Branen

Banana said...

I think it's lucky to be born on the 13th ; ) My heart and prayers will be with y'all on Friday.

Anonymous said...

So excited for you guys! Agreed that the 13th is a very lucky day :-) Will have all three of you in our prayers!
Rachel & Stephen

Anonymous said...

Hunker down DAWGS! And good luck!


Anonymous said...

Very excited for the new family! My grandmother always told me that Friday 13th was the luckiest day - I believe it too. I'll be thinking of you all!