Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grant's Preschool Christmas Party

Cookies with Santa

Sye got to hang out with Santa again for breakfast and cookies.  Then Mommy and Sye had a date at the Steak and Shake.

Cruising with my best bud, Fletcher

I'm terrified of the day that they do this in an actual car together!

Santa Party

Bright School Thanksgiving Program

Sye's PreK class performed 3 songs.  Amazing how not one of them was intimidated by the large crowd.  My favorite was the Spanish song they did.  Not sure what it was about but it was pretty cute seeing 4 and 5 year olds singing in Spanish.

Catching up with Walker in November

Look how big Walker has gotten.  He is getting old enough now where the boys are enjoying their time with him more and more.  He has such an easy going and bright personality.  Sweet kid!

Gingerbread Houses at DGCC


There is something about this picture that I love and sort of makes me sad at the same time.  I know Grant is only 3, but he looks like a little boy to me here.  Still Mommy's baby though.

Thanksgiving at Gigi and Papa's