Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of Grant's 3-year old Preschool

Sye's First Day of Pre-K

Very Early First Day
Daddy was still sleepy, too.

In his classroom...  first time I've ever seen Sye even slightly shy.  He snapped right out of that.

Jones Cruise

We didn't take many pics this year.  This is the only one I got with Tricia and Lisa but I assure you that they were right there having fun among us.  It was a great trip.  Key West was HOT and the Bahamas was a bit rainy.  We played lots of trivia and won many trophies on the ship.  Big fun.

The Boys' First Concert: Big Time Rush

Daddy won us great tickets on the radio.  Good thing they were in the covered section, because it poured rain!

Sye loved it!  Grant played on the iPod.

Sye dressed himself.

Before the show

Father's Day

We love you Daddy!

Precious Walker

Fathers and Sons

Sye and Pinchy

Grant's Passport Photo

How cute is this?

Sye's 5th birthday

Sye loved the Lego cake

Little brother really loved the water slide

Look alive Joneses

One of my favorite mommies doing a mommy thing

Sye sent a balloon up to heaven after his party.  His idea.  We thought it was very sweet.
Ninja Sye

Class singing Happy Birthday

Dinner at Cici's per the ninja birthday boy's request

Grant's 3rd Birthday Party

The sweet birthday boy

The boys having a sword fight

Enjoying the bouncy
The birthday boy and girl (Lydia) admiring their cakes