Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tyler and Caleb Visit!

Tyler and Caleb came for the weekend during their Spring Break. It was April Fool's Day and we had a ball pranking each other. The best one was Uncle David and a butter trick by Tyler. We went to the Aquarium and the movies to see Hop. And even took a little trip to the doctor's office. Caleb got 4 stitches and was very, very brave. We had a great weekend.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lake Tahoe Trip

Dave and I took a trip to Tahoe in February with Matt and Amie. We skied, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, did a little gambling and even spent an afternoon with the Kurtz sisters. The weather got a little crazy, with 60 mph winds on parts of the mountain, so our skiing was cut a little short. I never really got my ski legs back but David was, of course, a pro. We drove around the lake and saw some really picturesque views. On our last day, we went to the restaurant my friend, Laura, manages to see her and Sarah. We were able to see her house and a great little area of Tahoe (name has escaped me). It was pretty warm while we were there, until the morning of our departure when we got a foot of snow overnight. Matt drove us through the blizzard to Sacramento which was pretty frightening. The boys were with Gigi and Papa and had an equally fun 5 days!