Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Needless to say, we forgot to take proper pictures on Thanksgiving. I think the one of Mama and Buck is really good (just wish I had redressed Grant after lunch). I also really like the one of Leelee and Tish modeling the "hand on face" pose.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

Once again, we traveled to Adairsville to pick out our pumpkins for Halloween. Grant spent the majority of our time picking up pumpkins and throwing them amid the signs asking Please Do Not Throw Pumpkins. And the little animal lover that he is, loved the petting zoo and reeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to kiss the baby goat to no avail (whew).
Onto the hayride...At the start of the ride, the tractor driver asks the kids every year, "Do you want to take the bumpy road or the smooth road?" to which all of the kids scream... Bumpy, of course. All kids except Sye, who for the ENTIRE 20 minute ride yelled at the driver, "I want the smooth ride, not the bumpy one, where's the smooth road, SMOOOOOOOOTH, etc."


We've started a new Friday night tradition. Sye calls it a "camp in." Daddy and Sye build a fire and we cook dinner on it. And when the boys get bored, the swing set is 5 yards away. Next up, Daddy and Sye will attempt to sleep at the "campsite." We'll let you know how that goes...
Love the third picture where we caught Pinchy in the act!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grant's First Haircut

Grant had his first haircut this morning. It started out fun... that quickly ended and he became very upset. But it's over with and he's super cute!

Boys in a Basket

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pinchy Simmons

Here's the new addition to the Simmons clan, Pinchy. He is super sweet and we're all in love. He's a little naughty right now, as puppies can be, and he chewed through the cord that uploads pictures to the computer from our camera. I will try and get some new pictures up soon.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Cofers Visit

The Grupers (Sye term) stopped by on their way to the beach. It was our first meeting with Annabelle and she was such a sweetie pie. Those curls! We wish we could see them more often!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grant's First Birthday Party

Grant celebrated his first birthday at his Nana and Grandpa's house. He was in a bit of a mood at first (see first pic), but as we suspected, he loooooooved the cake and was transformed back into our little happy angel shortly after his first taste. We can't quite believe our sweet little guy is already one, but what a blissful year it has been!!