Monday, June 18, 2007

Fun in the Sun

Sye traveled to M'ville to see his Papa on Friday. Saturday, we tried out the big pool. Just a wee bit cold for Sye's taste. But the baby pool was just right!

David celebrated his first Father's Day. Sye was also able to see both grandfathers on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sye had another big weekend. Not only did he meet his Aunt Brenna and cousin Spencer, but he also attended his first church service for Spencer's baptism.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Party Time
Sye, Baby Cofer, and Kinley Roberts had quite the party thrown in their honor this weekend. It was so much fun seeing all of the Atlanta folks again. Thank you Plants, Tevises, and Hambricks (and everyone who came)! We had such a great time, Sye in particular. He was completely tuckered out Sunday night.

Besides the great company, Sye was showered with lots of great gifts. Here are a few we've already tried out...
Thanks Rachel and Steve!Hefty thought we needed a little protection...Sye didn't get to meet South but he left quite an impression with his gift anyway... (yes, that says small fart)
Sye was very pleased to meet everyone....

Kinley, B.C. and Sye (and the parents, too)

Go Dores!

Thanks Plants. We so enjoyed staying with you and Jake! Eric and Carrie
Mary Reid (how did David miss Greg??)
The Roberts
The Cofers
The Hambricks
The Browns